sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Aprobación de la Proposición no de Ley sobre regulación de la formación de los traductores e intérpretes judiciales y jurados que se relacionan con la Administración de Justicia, presentada por el grupo parlamentario popular en el Congreso

Nos hacemos eco de la aprobación

en el Congreso de los Diputados el pasado 25 de septiembre de una
Proposición no de Ley sobre regulación de la formación de los
traductores e intérpretes judiciales y jurados que se relacionan con
la Administración de Justicia, presentada por el grupo parlamentario
popular en el Congreso (Número de expediente 161/001834) 
(Diario de Sesiones, nº 406, página 36). Más información:

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013




As a way to continue with the effort and success of  the 7th Critical Link conference  and some other actions  all around the world to connect and  organize community interpreters, we invite you to submit a proposal for the 5º TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on PUBLIC SERVICE INTERPRETING and TRANSLATION to be hosted at the University of Alcalá (UAH) (Madrid, Spain) next  April 2014 (4th -5th April 2014).

This conference is intended to offer PSI&T researchers, practitioners, trainers, academics, public service authorities and people who are generally interested in intercultural communication and in translation and interpreting, a forum for dialogue in this changing society, as well as an opportunity to exchange opinions and comment projects and experiences like the previous ones, held in 2002, 2005, 2008, and 2011.

Being the main theme of the Conference: (Re)visiting Ethics and Strengthening Connections we encourage all those who are interested in it to send proposals on the following topics (but not restricted):
1.      Discussing ethical issues in both research and teaching.
2.      Studying interpreters and translators in conflict
3.      Interpreting and translating for victims of war, sexual assault, survivors of torture and trauma, etc.
4.      Eexploring connections with other types of interpreting such as conference interpreting or  court interpreting
5.      Analysing advances in PSIT between local, national, and international institutions

The Conference will include plenary lectures, papers, seminars, posters and round tables. Participants delivering papers will have a maximum of 30 min (the discussion/questions time included). The official languages will be Spanish and English.  

All those who are interested in participating are kindly asked to send a 200-word abstract before November 30th, 2013 using the following webpage: http://tisp2014.tucongreso.es/en/presentacion. The decision of the Scientific Committee will be sent by December 10th, 2010.

Registration must also be done using the following webpage: http://tisp2014.tucongreso.es/en/presentacion

Proposers whose papers are accepted and want their paper to be published in the proceedings they will have to submit the WHOLE PAPER TEXT by 20th of January 2014 using the same webpage, otherwise they WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE CONFERENCE´S PROCEEDINGS which will be ready by the time of the Conference.
Looking forward to seeing you in Alcalá!

FITISPos Group-University of Alcalá
C/ Trinidad, 3 
28801- Alcalá de Henares
Tel. (+34) 918 855 309